The database includes the recommendations set out by ODIHR election observation reports dating back to 2014. From April 2018, ODIHR election observation activities started comprehensively evaluating the status of implementation of electoral recommendations. The assessment of the recommendations not yet evaluated will be performed by the following election observation in the respective OSCE participating State. Implementation of the recommendations from a report is evaluated by the following election observation activity, which assesses whether they are fully, mostly, partially or not implemented.​​

Election observation is a key part of ODIHR’s mandate. ODIHR has carried out numerous election observation activities to support democratic processes across the OSCE region since 1996. 

ODIHR is active in supporting efforts to bring elections in line with OSCE commitments and other international obligations through follow-up activities. You can find more information in the Handbook on the Follow-up of Electoral Recommendations.

Why Paragraph 25
In paragraph 25 of the 1999 OSCE Istanbul Document, participating States committed themselves “to follow up promptly the ODIHR’s election assessment and recommendations”.

Who we are
ODIHR is one of the world’s principal regional human rights bodies. Established in 1991, ODIHR was set up to assist the OSCE participating states to:

  • ensure full respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms
  • abide by the rule of law
  • promote principles of democracy
  • build, strengthen and protect democratic institutions
  • promote tolerance throughout their societies
  • support countries in holding democratic elections

ODIHR also plays an important role in enhancing dialogue among OSCE participating states, governments and civil society.

You can find out more about our work here.

This Database is founded on a database initially developed as part of the Support to Elections in the Western Balkans project funded by the European Union and Austrian Development Agency and implemented between 2017 and 2020. Hence, the recommendations for the beneficiaries of this project may date prior to 2014.

EU database
The European Union has set up a database of election-related recommendations from its election missions since 2016. The EU Election Missions database also provides easy access to final reports of EU election missions, preliminary statements and press releases published since 2000 and offers information about the status of implementation of recommendations by country. It can be accessed here.